petek, 14. oktober 2011

Free 3 credit report Alaska

free 3 credit report Alaska

The number of requests for a credit report, also free 3 credit report Alaska known as "inquiries," makes up only ten percent of the criteria free 3 credit report Alaska for a credit score adjustment. Some credit experts do say that credit scores can drop as much as free 3 credit report Alaska five points when a credit report is requested, but others say this is more myth free 3 credit report Alaska than reality.

There are two different types of credit report inquiries, referred to as "soft" or "hard" in the credit world.

A soft credit inquiry occurs whenever a consumer requests his or her own credit card report from a bureau or when a credit report is requested by a current creditor investigating a dispute. This type of credit inquiry is not supposed to have any effect on a consumer's credit score, since it was made at the request of the consumer himself or an established creditor. credit score A hard inquiry, however, can lower a consumer's credit score free 3 credit report Alaska under certain conditions. A free 3 credit report Alaska hard inquiry occurs when a credit report is requested by a lender considering a new loan or other parties who may have judgments or liens against the consumer. When a credit report free 3 credit report Alaska is requested by a court or the IRS, for example, a free 3 credit report Alaska potential lender may be more reluctant to offer the best interest rate or the maximum loan amount. one credit report Credit bureaus do understand that a number of hard inquiries connected with housing or car loan applications are not unusual, so when a credit report is requested by more than one lending company for the same purpose within free 3 credit report Alaska days of each free 3 credit report Alaska other, it is often counted as only one hard inquiry on the credit report.

Whenever an invitation for an unsolicited credit card arrives in the mail, there is always the possibility that the sender did make an inquiry into the consumer's credit status. Fortunately, when a free 3 credit report Alaska credit report is requested by an outside interest without the consent of the consumer, the free 3 credit report Alaska inquiry is not usually counted against the consumer's credit score. free credit history Inquiries are supposed to remain on a consumer's credit report for up to free 3 credit report Alaska two years, although many lenders are primarily interested free 3 credit report Alaska in the number of inquiries made in the last six months.

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